
Editorial Policy

Technology Science is an open access forum for any original material dealing primarily with a social, political, personal, or organizational benefit or adverse consequence of technology. Studies that characterize a technology-society clash or present an approach to better harmonize technology and society are especially welcomed. Papers can come from anywhere in the world.

Technology Science is interested in reviews of research, experiments, surveys, tutorials, and analyses. Writings may propose solutions or describe unsolved problems. Technology Science may also publish letters, short communications, and relevant news items. All submissions are peer-reviewed.

The scientific study of technology-society clashes is a cross-disciplinary pursuit, so papers in Technology Science may come from any of many possible disciplinary traditions, including but not limited to social science, computer science, political science, law, economics, policy, or statistics.

The Data Privacy Lab at Harvard University publishes Technology Science and its affiliated subset of papers called the Journal of Technology Science and maintains them online at Technology Science is available free of charge over the Internet. While it is possible that bound paper copies of Technology Science content may be produced for a fee, all content will continue to be offered online at no charge.

Organization of Technology Science

Three groups administer Technology Science. They are: the Editors (consisting of the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editors), an Editorial Board, and an Advisory Board.

Editors. The daily operation of Technology Science is in the hands of the editors. They are responsible for management of Technology Science, maintenance of its website, and ensuring that peer review and copy editing is adequately performed. The editors retain sole editorial control of Technology Science.

Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is responsible for inviting and reviewing papers. No refereed paper will be published without at least one of the members of the Editorial Board transmitting approval to the Editors. The Editorial Board of Technology Science consists of top-ranked researchers in technology science and faculty members teaching undergraduate or graduate courses in technology science or a closely related area. Any faculty member teaching such a course may apply for membership to the Editorial Board of Technology Science. Members of the Editorial Board serve for renewable terms, normally three years. At least one member of the Editorial Board must invite and accept a paper in order for the paper to appear in Technology Science though the Editors reserve the right not to publish or to discontinue publishing any paper. A primary reason for this emphasis on those teaching or conducting research is to take advantage of early insights into technology-society clashes that may first appear as term papers or early research, and conversely, to keep technology science instruction and research and public interest communities informed of the latest cross-disciplinary developments as they unfold . Future papers should build on those already published in Technology Science.

A paper identified as being in the Journal of Technology Science will be published with at least three of the members of the Editorial Board transmitting approval to the Editors. The paper first appears, in part or whole, in Technology Science. An Editor or a member of the Editorial Board may request the Editors to seek subsequent review of the paper by two additional members of the Editorial Board. No paper achieving the status of being in the Journal of Technology Science will be published without at least three of the members of the Editorial Board transmitting approval to the Editors.

Advisory Board. The Advisory Board of Technology Science provides guidance to the Editors concerning the mission, relevance and quality of Technology Science and the Journal of Technology Science. The Advisory Board is composed of respected researchers in a field of technology science. It receives reports from the Editors on the activities of Technology Science and the Journal of Technology Science and relevant statistics and makes recommendations to the Editors. The Advisory Board members do not participate directly in inviting, reviewing or editing submissions. Members of the Advisory Board of Technology Science serve for renewable terms, normally two or three years.

Submissions And Editorial Process

Papers must be submitted as a “package” of the paper itself and the separate original image files (not screenshots) for all images/plots/tables that are in the paper. The actual paper should be a Google Document with the formatting that is specified in this Formatting Guide. Please also make sure sharing privileges are extended to anyone with the link.

The “paper package” must be emailed as attachments or zip file from the approving member of the Editorial Board (not the authors). Technology Science has no obligation to review or process submissions in other formats or submissions provided by anyone except a member of the Editorial Board.

A single author or point of contact must be designated for the approved submission to receive further correspondence. When an accepted paper is received, its receipt is acknowledged. It is examined by the Editors for general suitability and conformance to editorial policy. Publication occurs about 7 days after final editing of the manuscript for typographical errors, formatting, correct citations, and the like. Normally, accepted submissions appear online within days.

All references appearing in a submission must be archivable in keeping with Technology Science's mission as an archived publication of record. Therefore, URLs and references to other publications may appear in a final published paper only if a persistent version of the URL or reference is archivable or unless permission has been secured by the author for Technology Science to retain an online copy of the referenced content in perpetuity.

Any data or analytic sub-products relied on in deriving conclusions in a submission must also be archived in keeping with Technology Science's mission of academic reproducibility. Authors must upload replication files to the Technology Science Dataverse on the Harvard Dataverse Network. This policy guarantees that materials will be available for all Technology Science articles (or at least those using empirical data) in a single, easily accessible location. Authors will be able to share data respecting various levels of sensitivity needs. In rare cases, authors may receive a waiver from the Editors to be exempt from the data archive requirement. The data submission is an additional publication attributed to the author (s). Links to the archived data and analytic sub-products appear with the paper publication.


Publication is rolling in the sense that accepted submissions are published about 7 days after peer and editorial reviews and publication preparation. Technology Science does not have separate volumes and issues in the traditional sense. Articles will be numbered by date of publication in the format YYYYMMDDXX, where XX is a sequence number. For example, 2015060203 indicates the third research paper published on June 2, 2015.


The author(s) retain any copyright in submitted material. Technology Science receives only a non-exclusive License, for the term of any copyright, to reproduce, distribute, perform, index, archive and display publicly any works submitted, either online, in print or in any other form. Technology Science neither receives nor pays any fee for submitted articles, regardless of whether they are eventually published.

By submitting an article, the author(s) certify (1) that they have the right to submit the article for publication and to grant the above License to Technology Science; and (2) except as may be noted in writing accompanying the submission, that the article has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. In general, Technology Science will accept suitable papers that may have appeared previously as technical reports or in other non-archival forms, but will not publish articles that have been published in archival journals.

Contact Information

The mailing address of Technology Science and the Journal of Technology Science is:

Technology Science
1737 Cambridge St, 3rd fl
Cambridge, MA 02138

The editor's email address is